我们最新的主要软件更新Royale 5正式发布,已经可以免费更新。这个新版本包含了一些功能升级,使其获取前所未有的速度和效率。我们还对深度API进行了改动,以改善数据质量和最新3D ToF相机(flexx2等)的处理性能。
pmd sensors are a viable solution to locate objects or people inside large environments, such as buildings. This use case is optimized for long range scanning at a maximum data quality. By making use of multiple frequencies the ambiguity range of the sensor signal can be increased by several magnitudes. At the same time this sampling methods leads to an increase in data confidence and applications with very high demands in data quality can be realized.
For mapping applications demanding an enhanced situational awareness quick response times are a necessity. These demands are met by increasing the framerate at a minimum cost in data quality.
Scanning and reproduction of man-sized objects in close proximity demands high data confidence equal to environmental mapping. Since in general the objects of interest are in closer proximity, the range requirements and necessary integration time can be lowered in favor of faster scanning speed.
In general the quality demands of applications in the field of pattern and object recognition are less demanding than metrological applications. On the other hand, a quick system response time is mandatory. Therefore the integration time and correspondingly the data quality is lowered in favor of faster framerates.
For modern gaming and collaborative applications a quick system response is even more important. Since the range requirement can be lowered and the noise performance of pmd sensors is directly related to the object distance, higher framerates at equal data quality can be realized.
For hand-size objects and products the necessary range requirements can be further limited and only one scanning frequency is sufficient. Therefore the framerate can be almost doubled and vice versa the overall scanning speed.
The precise detection and recognition of hand gestures in 3D space is very demanding, both in data quality and processing speed. Hence a special use case has been devised offering optimum setting for this special application.
The mixed modes can be used to run two or more different modes at the same time, by capturing frames that fit into separate use cases.
For the flexx, Royale offers mixed modes that are a combination of short range/high fps (e.g. for hand tracking) and long range/low fps (environmental scanning). They can be selected like any other use case; to enable the application to distinguish the different use cases the frames will be delivered as separate streams.
Royale is tested on the following hardware configurations:
Also make sure to fullfill the requirements, when working with one of these platforms: